Sunday, June 17, 2007

Son & Daughter

Peace of heart, confusion of mind, water streaming in river, behind birds singing in trees growing, hair washed, body cleaned, drinking tea, with much thought about my son & daughter.
Squirell on rock watching man in van, writing to unload my limit of overloaded thoughts. That girl dreamed that her intimate connection with me should end. wow! Relationship, how amazingly dynamic, a perfect medicine to bring about reflection to fully live my truth... Drinking beer after tea for breakfast resting by the river. I yearn to hear my children; playing yelling yapping screaming. To watch them running jumping moving falling balancing their beautiful bodies on these river stones. Like; trees, squirells, crows, snakes, lizards, just living on this earth is enough. Some days my mind does not stop, imagining the ways of reconnecting with my childrenn. What do they look like, what does their voice say , Are they held in kindness, love and understanding, is anyone listing ? Maria saw them, " they are beautiful just like pappa".
And, someday I will meet you both again out there in the matrix of oneness and love....


Kaari Marie said...

Happy Father's Day Michael!! Keep on trekkin'!

gojiearthbird said...

I had no idea i was posting on fathers day? how wonderfully perfect a gift..

Anonymous said...

The TRUTH will set you free and some day, it WILL come out. That will be a day of great celebration so hang in there and know that you have many people who know you well enough to believe in you...sending lots of love to a good person....MOM